Visit Flea Markets on Bornholm - Danhostel Sandvig - Billig overnatning på Bornholm

Visit Flea Markets on Bornholm

Bornholm offers visitors and locals an opportunity to purchase various items at annual flea markets held by different associations. During the cold winter months, small associations work together to provide different activities that all can enjoy. Many associations gather throughout the year for annual flea markets which attract many customers.
Loppemarkeder på Bornholm

Reasonable Prices
Prices at flea markets are affordable. Sellers prefer to sell at a lower price than bring the items back home. When you buy from the different associations you support their work.

Clear and Easy
There are many items on sale, so to make things easier for both buyers and sellers, the volunteers divide everything into categories such as books, knick-knacks, toys, kitchen items, furniture, etc.
Loppemarkeder på Bornholm

Entertaining Auction
Many flea markets auction unique and valuable items, so you can get a great deal. The auction is an entertaining addition to the activities and because the language spoken by the auctioneers is Bornholmsk.

Be on Time
Flea markets arranged by larger associations are popular with Bornholmers and tourists. If you want to see and purchase what is on offer, come early. Eager customers arrive about 30 minutes before the market opens. As soon as the ribbon is cut, the entire area becomes filled with shopping, bartering and haggling. Popular items are sold within an hour, so come in time, browse, shop and enjoy a memorable experience.

Learn more about flea markets on Bornholm here. Association flea markets are highlighted in blue. The page is in Danish, but you can see the dates of various markets.

You will also find other small and large markets for shop owners and grocers at different locations on the island.

Book your stay here.
Loppemarkeder på Bornholm